7 Amazing Health Benefits of Amla

According to Hindu mythology, Brahma the creator once began crying as he was deeply focused on the meditation of Vishnu the protector. Amla tree sprouted when these tears hit the earth.

During Hindu festival celebrations, the Amla tree is planted along with the Tulsi plant during Tulsi vivah or Tulsi puja. It is said that the Amla plant is considered by Lord Vishnu and Tulsi plant by Goddess Lakshmi.

Amla also known as the Indian gooseberry in English, Amalaki in Sanskrit, and Amla in Hindi is an important tree that blooms annually and has endless health benefits.  I am going to share with you a few health benefits of amla that can do wonders for your health if you consume Amla in your day-to-day life.

Let us talk a little bit about Amla before we discuss its health benefits of amla. The Amla tree is native to Asia. It is a green little fruit with a distinctive flavor of sour and bitter which gives you a sweet taste when you drink water after eating it. There are numerous ways to utilize or consume Amla. Eat it whole as raw fruit, make pickles, drink it as juice, use it as powder, or eat it as candy or murabba. Last but not least, you can prepare hair oil out of it which is a blessing for hair growth and hair texture.

The little fruit called amla is loaded with nutritional values which are enriched with omega 3, vitamin C, antioxidant, antifungal, and antiviral properties, and many more. With loads of medicinal properties, the health benefits of amla are countless. Amla has several amazing nutritional values in it.

Nutritional values of Amla

Nutritional values of AmlaImage : https://www.healthfab.in/blogs/wellness/does-amla-juice-delay-periods

One can enjoy the endless Health Benefits of Amla. Amla is considered the best home remedy for many ailments. Amla is a fruit that is widely used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. An Ayurvedic herb that is used to cure common ailments such as colds, the sadness of infertility to life-threatening cancer.  So let us discuss the health benefits of marble sized little fruit called Amla.

7 Potential Health Benefits of Amla:

  1. Boosting the immune system:- Amla is rich in vitamin C, which is known to boost the immune system and help the body fight off infections.
  2. Improving digestion: – Amla is a natural laxative that can help improve digestion and relieve constipation. It can also help reduce inflammation in the digestive system.
  3. Lowering cholesterol:-  Amla has been shown to lower cholesterol levels, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
  4. Improving eye health: – Amla is rich in vitamin A, which is essential for healthy eyes. It can also help prevent age-related macular degeneration, a condition that can lead to blindness.
  5. Preventing cancer: – Amla contains antioxidants that can help prevent damage to cells and DNA, which can lead to cancer.
  6. Managing diabetes:–  Amla has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels, which can be beneficial for people with diabetes.
  7. Boosting hair and skin health:-  Amla is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production. Collagen is a protein that is important for healthy hair and skin.

health benefits of amla

Health Benefits Of AmlaOverall, amla is a nutrient-dense fruit with many potential health benefits. There are many ways one can consume Amla. You can consume it as is in raw form. You can make Juice, Pickle, Candy, Powder out of amla and consume it.

Here are a few method one can make use of Amla:-

  1. PICKLE – Relish amla pickle and enjoy the health benefits of amla:

Created from a range of fruits and vegetables, pickle is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. It is preserved in salt water and vinegar. It is then prepared with edible oils and distinct Indian spices. 

Indian pickles that have undergone fermentation help the digestive fight by encouraging the growth of healthy bacteria. Pickles are a healthy alternative that promotes digestive health. Amla pickle is a fantastic source of healthy probiotic bacteria. Amla pickle reduces the frequency of ulcers, which are brought on by hyperacidity and weakened mucosal tissue.

The homemade fermented Amla pickle is beneficial for digestive health. A fantastic source of benefits for probiotic bacteria that may enhance digestive health. Indian pickles that go through the fermentation process, help one fight digestive issues by encouraging the growth of healthy bacteria. Pickles are a beneficial alternative and promote digestive health.  



2. MURABBA / CANDY – Eat mouthwatering amla murabba and enjoy the health benefits of amla:

Murabba is a sweet preserve made of different fruits like apples, cherries, carrots, pineapple, and many others. It is cooked deliciously in sugar syrup flavored with cardamom, saffron, black pepper, and black salt which is traditional Indian sour sweet and it is an alternative to pickles.

Amla murabba contains a lot of calcium, iron, and other minerals, vitamin C, and natural vitality. Abundant in vitamins A, E, and C, Amla enhances the body’s capacity to prevent sickness, and is a good boost to increase immunity. Loaded with minerals and vitamin C, Amla murabba can help you stay alert, feel less worn out, and even control your cholesterol levels.


3. AMLA JUICE – Enjoy the health benefits of amla:

Amla juice is made of raw Amla with a few simple ingredients like ginger, black pepper, honey, or sea salt in it. A delicious drink of Amla juice is a great addition to a healthy diet that controls your cholesterol levels.

Amla juice is a perfect morning drink with multiple health benefits. Amla is a nutrient-rich food source that can improve your general health. Amla has a lot of vitamin C, which can help strengthen immunity. Additionally, it benefits your skin and hair. Amla with its richest source of Water-soluble vitamin C in Amla juice acts as an antioxidant. According to studies, Amla juice may stimulate the immune system and hair growth, as well as support digestive health. It may also benefit the kidneys, liver, and heart.

Though one gets to see multiple branded Amla juice in the market filled with preservatives and chemicals, it is better to prepare the juice at home with a simple method. All one need to do is take a few Amlas. Take out the seeds from it. Slice them, put them in a blender with some water, and blend them. Filter it, and spice up the juice according to your taste with some salt and pepper or consume it plain.



4. AMLA POWDER-  Powder form does not reduce the health benefits of amla:

Making powder from wholesome Amla is as easy as preparing Amla juice. After washing the Amla, dice it up and let it sun dry for about 3 to 4 days. Once it is moisture free, grind it to powder form. Don’t forget to filter it which will help you to remove particles. Here you go! Your Amla powder is ready for use. 

Amla powder can be consumed in any form. You can take a spoon of powder, mix it with a glass of water and drink it as juice which will be a healthy morning drink on an empty stomach. You can prepare jam from powdered Amla. You can also make candies from Amla powder. 

Amla powder can also be used as a face mask. An Amla face mask can give you a natural glow by nurturing your face. Amla mask keeps your skin moisturized and gives it a healthy appearance. A paste made of Amla powder with yogurt can give you an amazing face mask that turns your face glowing. Amla an amazing anti-aging fruit gives you blemish-free, healthy, and glowing skin.

Amla with its chromium property regulates blood glucose levels which is very good for diabetic patients. Amla powder is a great blood purifier when you consume it with a teaspoon of honey. Amla powder with its high fiber content is very good for the digestive system. Amla powder helps in the detoxification of the kidney which reduces constipation problems.


Little amla is loaded with health benefits. Be it for your internal body system, skin care or hair care, it has properties to offer you for your over all well being. Amla is one of the main ingredients used in many Ayurveda health product. One such segment of health amla is used is for the hair care routine. Let us discuss how amla is beneficial for hair.

Health Benefits of Amla for your hair care:

Amla beautifies your hair. In Ayurveda, Amla is an important ingredient for any kind of hair care remedy. Eating a Raw Amla every day boosts hair growth. Oil prepared out of Amla is one of the age-old home-made haircare products. It is a well-proven hair tonic. Abundant fatty acids, deeply enter the hair follicles to prevent dandruff, slow down the onset of greying, and strengthen the hair follicles.

Vitamin C, which is present in Amla, aids in raising collagen levels which helps the growth of new hair. Amla helps in dehydrating the scalp and prevents dandruff. Amla is loaded with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which prevent itching of the hair scalp. Amla nourishes your hair and makes it stronger because it is rich in vitamins and omega-3. Amla is a great source of conditioner for your lustrous hair.

There are many ways how you can use Amla for your hair care routine. Apart from eating raw Amla on daily basis, you can make hair masks out of Amla powder. Make Amla hair oil by using coconut oil as base oil. You can eat it in raw form which is the best and easiest way to get the benefits of magic fruit called Amla which is an amazing mother nature gift to us mankind.



Apart from Amla, many other Ayurvedic herbs are great for your lustrous locks. To know more about those herbs, read my article  FOR BEAUTIFUL HAIR GROWTH 11 AMAZING AYURVEDIC HERBS. Here is the link for the same https://www.vedicgavya.com/for-beautifull-hair-growth-11-amazing-ayurvedic-herbs/


To sum it up, taking Amla in any form will not reduce the core health benefits of amla. Be it whole raw, powdered, drinks, pickles, or murabba, each form has all the benefits Amla can offer you. Take it in any form you like to consume. Enjoy, relish, and take the benefits of the little green fruit called Amla. BON APPETIT 


        1. What happens if you eat Amla every day?

ANS: Eating Amla regularly helps to strengthen immunity, lowers the risk of age-related macular degeneration, and enhances eyesight.

      2. How true is it that consuming Amla is beneficial for cancer?

ANS: It is true. vitamin c, an antioxidant in Amla increases the activity of cells that combat free radicals and fight against cancer.

     3. Who needs to take precautions while consuming Amla?

ANS: Heart patients, people with Varicose bleeding, and skin allergy problems need to consult doctors before consuming Amla.

    4. Does Amla help in reducing wrinkles?

ANS:  Yes, vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants in Amla helps in reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration of the skin.

      5. Can Amla cure the fatty liver?

ANS: Amla is nature’s blessing for people with fatty liver which keeps the liver healthy and removes toxins from the body.

      6. How does Amla purify the blood?

ANS: Regular consumption of Amla increases your hemoglobin level and red blood cell count which purifies the blood.

      7. Can you take Amla’s power on empty stomach?

ANS: Yes, you can. Amla has strong anti-inflammatory qualities which keep your system detoxified. Do consult the doctor if it triggers acidity problems after consuming it.

    8. Will Amla help in reducing pimples and acne? 

ANS: Yes, it will. Applying the Amla face mask regularly helps in getting rid of imperfections and acne marks naturally.

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